MotoGadget | M-Unit Kabel Set MotoGadget | M-Unit Kabel Set
MotoGadget | M-Unit Kabel Set MotoGadget | M-Unit Kabel Set
MotoGadget | M-Unit Kabel Set
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The m-Unit Cable Kit is a ready made set of cables to aid in the assembly of a wiring harness. This cable kit consists of top grade copper-strand cables and will help you doing quick work of...



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€ 60,95
incl. BTW, per Stuk

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The m-Unit Cable Kit is a ready made set of cables to aid in the assembly of a wiring harness.

This cable kit consists of top grade copper-strand cables and will help you doing quick work of creating a new wiring harness. The different cable diameters and colors are ideally suited for application in connection with the m-Unit. Their number and length is sufficient for most models. Non-professionals would have to put serious effort into an equivalent assembly. Additionally, the kit contains multiple cable ties and cable end sleeves. Altogether 1Kg of cables and materials.

Delivery contents:
Cable color / Diameter / Length [m] / Number
brown / 2,5 mm² / 5
black / 2,5 mm² / 4
blue / 2,5 mm² / 2
white / 1,5 mm² / 4
red / 1,5 mm² / 2
yellow / 1,5 mm² / 4
orange / 1,5 mm² / 4
green / 1,5 mm² / 2
purple / 1,5 mm² / 2
white / 0,5 mm² / 2
blue / 0,5 mm² / 2
red / 0,5 mm² / 2
yellow / 0,5 mm² / 2
green / 0,5 mm² / 2
orange / 0,5 mm² / 2
purple / 0,5 mm² / 2
brown / 0,5 mm² / 2

Cable tie small 15
Cable tie big 15
Cable end sleeves small 10
Cable end sleeves medium 10
Cable end sleeves big 10

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